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Learning MCAT Psychology & Sociology is about to get animated

One subscription, complete access to Sketchy MCAT Psychology & Sociology and 8 other MCAT courses.
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“Sketchy MCAT was priceless. The videos help store the tiny details that I otherwise would've forgotten. The MCAT is a huge task, and Sketchy has helped break things down!”

-Eleanor G., Clemson University

Explore Psychology & Sociology Units

Where better to delve into MCAT psychology than… the animal kingdom? It might seem counter-intuitive, but think about it: dogs learn. Elephants remember. Sloths sleep. And cows are just so freakin eMOOtional.


The tough stuff, made simple

Sketchy’s MCAT Psychology & Sociology course breaks down even the most difficult topics into short and easy to understand lessons.
puff studying

Lessons you’ll remember

Sketchy uses creative storytelling and visual mnemonics to help you learn and retain everything you need to know about Psychology & Sociology for the MCAT.

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