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Learning MCAT Biochemistry is about to get awesome

One subscription, complete access to Sketchy MCAT MCAT Biochemistry and 8 other MCAT courses.
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“Sketchy's memory hooks are truly a game changer. For example, in bio-signaling for bio-chem, I always remember these kids playing in the park with a fence and the opening fence symbolizing a voltage gated ion channel. That is 100x easier to recall than a slide from class.”

-Brittany B., American University

Explore MCAT Biochemistry Units

Our MCAT biochemistry course takes place at the Sketchyland theme park! Beloved, and extremely dangerous—do not ride these rides if you value your life.


The tough stuff, made simple

Sketchy’s MCAT MCAT Biochemistry course breaks down even the most difficult topics into short and easy to understand lessons.
puff studying

Lessons you’ll remember

Sketchy uses creative storytelling and visual mnemonics to help you learn and retain everything you need to know about MCAT Biochemistry for the MCAT.

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