The transition from boards to bedside can be challenging.
DDx bridges the gap.

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Cases are meant to be active, not static.

Traditional cases are often presented in static formats like Word or Google Docs, where students passively review information, limiting deeper learning. DDx transforms this by making cases interactive, encouraging critical thinking, real-time decision-making, and active engagement.

Exposing students to clinical simulations doesn’t have to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The DDx Experience

Enabled by AI, created and controlled by medical educators

  • DDx cases are created by academic faculty from diverse specialties, ensuring a broad range of expertise.

  • The platform features robust AI-driven case moderation and real-time scoring to provide immediate feedback and enhance learning.

  • Cases cover common complaints as well as rare diagnoses that students may not encounter during rotations.

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Student Experience

Solidify clinical preparedness through AI-enabled interaction

  • Interact directly with virtual patients in a low stakes and safe environment

  • Build differential diagnoses by uncovering key findings from patient histories and physical exams.

  • Order and review labs and tests with real-time guidance from a virtual supervising provider

Administrator Experience

Test and benchmark student progress toward clinical competency

  • Evaluate student soft skills by reading conversation logs

  • Receive detailed feedback and scores on students' clinical reasoning, data gathering, and diagnostic decision-making.

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Hear what students are saying from their participation in the DDx pilot at their institutions

“The AI worked very well and helped guide the decision-making when I was going astray.”

“I thought this was a great experience and a really great tool for us to use as medical students 
entering our clerkship years...”

“The AI does a very good job of not getting derailed. I am super impressed at how it will not deviate off of the case at hand no matter how I worded my ridiculous requests. Great job!”

“The key findings helped me know if I forgot to ask a pertinent question. The attending explanations also helped understand the whys and why nots of ordering tests or choosing differentials.”

“The experience really mimicked the real life scenario of interviewing a standardized patient but took away the anxiousness of being strictly times while also allowing for critical thinking. I liked the I was able to type my thoughts out and the platform  caught the pertinent information and prompted for more in depth analysis.”

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