Learning MCAT Organic Chemistry is about to get cool

One subscription, complete access to Sketchy MCAT Organic Chemistry and 8 other MCAT courses.
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“Sketchy will give you this ability to to learn something that you didn't necessarily get from the get go. The videos are so memorable and when you take a test, you can see that visual in your head of something you've learned.”

-Danielle B.

Explore Organic Chemistry Units

Organic chemistry is one of those absolute classic college courses, so we’ve set our organic chemistry course… in college. From picking up some general principles on move-in day, to exploring all of the (functional) groups college has to offer, get ready to relive the magic of freshman year.


6 Units / 42 Lessons

Passage Walkthroughs

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The tough stuff, made simple

Sketchy’s MCAT Organic Chemistry course breaks down even the most difficult topics into short and easy to understand lessons.
puff studying

Lessons you’ll remember

Sketchy uses creative storytelling and visual mnemonics to help you learn and retain everything you need to know about Organic Chemistry for the MCAT.

Measure your progress

Stay on track and see your learning progress with quizzes as well as full access to the AAMC MCAT Official Prep Online Bundle included with a Sketchy MCAT Prep Essentials subscription.

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